Clare Rowe is Sydney based psychologist, writer and speaker


Clare appears as a Single Expert and prepares reports for the Family Court.

The Family Court may order a Single Expert Witness (SEW) to give independent expert evidence on what is best for the children in a Family Court dispute.

These assessments are usually court ordered and with the Expert’s consent. They are varied in their purpose but generally can assess parental capacity, attachment, mental health, violence and custody disputes. 

Specifically, Clare has a specific niche in providing Expert opinion and recommendations to the Court in the following areas:

  • Educational disputes of school settings, homeschooling etc. 

  • Child Cognitive and academic testing for developmental delay, giftedness and learning disorders

  • Child developmental assessments for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Clare’s reports are often able to settle high conflict matters. They are extensive in nature and usually include three days set aside for interviews and psychometric testing of personality.

In addition, Clare has assembled a team of highly skilled clinicians working in the field of Family Law who are also able to provide these Single Expert services within her Sydney based clinic.

For Clare or one of her clinicians to be considered being appointed as an Expert Witness please complete our Single Expert Request Form.

Clare Rowe psychologist in meeting with client